
The Chennai Blogger’s Meet

Ascendas in Taramani, Chennai is a great place to hangout. For little kids that is. That is precisely what happened at the 769th Chennai Blogger`s meet which took off like a dud…oops…scud at 3 p.m. on June 24 at the IT Park.

After more than ten years I was spending time with college & school students. Gosh…the very definition of ‘attitude`, ‘fashion`, ‘girls` etc have changed since I left college. Especially girls. When we were students girls were not as talkative, and we always held the upper hand. OK fine, the prettiest girl in my class was called Upper Menon…and we always held the Upper hand.

Relevant Links

  • Write up & one-line profiles on The Dreamy Dryad
  • Blog Meet’s Concluding note on GAPP
  • 15 odd pics on GAPP
  • Pics with funny captions
  • The youngest in the Blog Meet were two girls who had just finished their 12th grade. Trusting my math to be good, I tried calculating and came to the conclusion that if after finishing my 12th grade, I had started afresh from the 1st grade…I would have completed my 12th grade (second time over) with the girls being mentioned.

    There were pretty girls, alright but unfortunately this father figure had also taken along the mother figure. You could blame my decision to bring along Rekha on the there-will-be-no-girls-this-time-too school of thought.

    The good thing to come out of the meet was getting Kiruba to spend. Legend has it (and this could be a flawed legend) that he has never spent money on men. Yesterday he paid for my mango juice – the first time in 43 years of his existence, that he had spent money on a man.

    The group really believed in the adage ‘Silence is Golden` for out of the three hours we spent there, we were silent for at least one hour. In an attempt to address this silence, somebody suggested that we list out our favorite blog urls. In what turned to out to be shocking surprise for everybody – seemed to be everybody`s favorite. Everybody swore by its humorous content and went ga ga over the owner of the blog (which incidentally happens to me me).

    As soon as we got into the car, Rekha said: “I know what you are thinking. The extra page views you are going to get?”

    I just gave her a sheepish smile, before trying to recall what my driving instructor had taught me…CBA… C for Clutch, B for Brake and A for accelerator.

    Some pictures –



















    By Jamshed V Rajan

    Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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