The letter my wife wrote

Here is a letter Rekha wrote to me on the first anniversary of us deciding to marry (and speak to our parents). The letter is produced as it was handed over to me. The only additions are my comments in brackets.

*The day was 31st March (Rekha, am I right?)

Dear Rajan,

Remember me? If no, just tear this letter and leave the house where you have been staying for the last six months. If yes…read on.

Remember this day, last year? The 31st of March 2004? I don`t expect you to remember, so will remind you…today was the day you decided to get married to me, after four years of courtship. I had decided to marry you the moment I saw you the first time (I have not added this line….she only wrote it). But, I had to wait for four years before you also thought on similar lines…and we decided to speak to our parents.

I am so happy…that we eventually agreed, and went on to become husband-and-wife. I know, during our last few conversations we have had doubts over who is husband and who is the wife…but isn`t all that secondary? Isn`t just being together such an exhilarating experience?

I still remember how we promised each other to call our parents that very night and how you lied to me the next day that you called. You liar. Had it not been for my devious mind, I would have never checked the ‘Call Register` in your mobile and forced you to call them…right in front of me. It was nice to see you take initiative for a better future (Whose better future?).

I still remember how your parents agreed as soon as you showed them my picture and told them about my five-figure salary. Though my parents thought that you were too dark, and ugly and short ..I remember convincing them that we can always turn you around. We had plans of turning you into a fair, handsome and tall person…thro` ayurveda. Though, it never happened I am happy that you don`t have all that flab that you used to have earlier (I would say that`s coz of your cooking).

I remember the moment, when you touched my neck to tie that mangalsutra…the sacred thread that would adorn my neck. If only, you had been that friend of mine from college….it would have been a perfect picture. (This college friend of hers` still comes in my dreams).

We have had a cool six months of marriage…I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you beside me. You could be cooking, washing dishes, or washing clothes…you have always been a perfect partner.

Let us, celebrate this day by going out shopping…there are a couple of things I need to buy. And yes, we need to buy kerchiefs for you.

Love you always,
Rekha Rajan

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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