When I left Yahoo in just seven months, I had sent out a farewell mail to all my Yahoo colleagues. Today, while going through my old mails…I saw this and I have to admit that I was impressed with the farewell mail I had sent out.
Thought why not share it with you. If you want to read the funniest farewell mail ever written, you will have to click here.
Here goes the farewell mail I wrote on June 14, 2007. I have to admit that I was a creative person before the heavy work at ibibo took its toll. π
Dear friend,
My innings here in Yahoo has come to and end and shortly I will be donning my gloves for another team.
It has been quite an ODI at Yahoo – loads of action and adrenalin. Not to mention the appeals, yorkers, reverse-swings, sliding stops and powerplays which have made the seven months all the more exciting. Yahoo! India has been a perfect batting pitch and I have to admit that my stint at the crease has been enjoyable.
Unlike the world of Faster, Stronger, Higher at Yahoo! Sports, my new venture would be less glamorous. I will be helping build internet based products for a start-up based out of Gurgaon.
Now…for another venue and another match. Wish me luck.
Mail ID: jv.rajan@yahoo.com | jv.rajan@gmail.com
PS: If you come across a book titled βOuch my toe!` someday, please buy it – you might be helping a poor author make some money. Till then, check out https://www.ouchmytoe.com/ – India ‘s second most humorous blog.
14 replies on “My farewell mail while leaving Yahoo”
So which is the “1st” most humorous blog of india??
@ Perx: This was a small contest…sometime in 2007…completely online stuff. The guy who was rated best in india was http://www.Greatbong.net. try him out he is good…and a lot younger than I am π
Greatbong (arnab ray) is my favourite too!
You are a creative guy no doubt, Jammy.
You are also a man with immense confidence in self. It take great confidence to recommend one’s readers openly to another humor blog.
I visited there and it is equally good. Thanks!
R Sathyamurthy
P.S.: I have paid some encomiums on you. Hope one day you will write that I (that is – me, that is – the guy writing this comment) have a blog and people can visit there to read some nonsense.
Just wondering what it’ll take to make it on to that list of Bloggers on the right sidebar of your blog………
Wait a minute….don’t you work??!! Or is what I just read what you call “work”??!!
Wow Book?!? Gr8 send me a complimentary copy so that this poor girl gets a copy for herself without any money :p
Went to check out greatbong.net didnt like it much. His humour is dark. kind of depresses me. There is already enough misery in the world. No need to make humour do the same job,I believe.:) You rock. U should be the first bestest humour site ever. The award giving people are idiots.
Hope this was compliment enough. More in my next comment. π
what do u do at ibibo ?
Different folks different strokes. i think u will like these though!
Lol. Loved the mail. Creative
Ah the ol’ baseball analogy. At the digest where I work, I often have people tell me they quit by using the “boxcar” metaphor. Those crazy cats. Keep up the good work!
Hey Jammy
no posts recently why?
I think Rekha is back from vacation and is making
you clear all the mess u made at your home π
Wow, Jammy mentions Greatbong.
Regarding the Competiton of humour- was it based on readership or humour quality? Like the comment section tells us humour is subjective. While some finds something funny, other find it offensive.
However, I like your blog over GB.
BTW, I would like to think I am the most cognitively humorous blogger, its just that people are yet to discover me π
Nice farewell mail, though.