Gift a Laugh – Tell your friend about Ouchmytoe

We at ibibo always try to implement virals in all our products. While it helped us provide the best for the ibibo user, it has also helped us grow into one of India`s top social networking site.

This got me thinking…why haven`t I tried any of that on Ouchmytoe? So here it is – a quick viral, which, if you please, can increase the number of people who read

Why should I introduce to my friends/relatives?

If you have been reading for a while now and feel the need to come daily, chances are your friends / relatives are going to love it to0. After all, laughter is an intense emotion which needs to be shared…gifted.

Here is the mail that goes out to the people you have invited:

Importing Contacts

Please use the Import function provided below to invite your friends / relatives to read

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

13 replies on “Gift a Laugh – Tell your friend about Ouchmytoe”

Jammy, Why, o why? Why must we pander to some small fish geek’s ego and use the “import Gmail contacts” tool at all…?

And and and, dare I say, you are UNDERESTIMATING the hold you already have over your faithful readers. For all you know, we may already have forwarded your blog links to a 1000 people already (without needing your small fish geeky tool). UNLESS you are targeting your unfaithful readers (unfaithful to you, I mean) 😉

This is typical tamilian speaking for himself, when he feels others may not do it.
Hope this word of mail works LOL

“heard you are giving ibibo jobs to ppl who spread the word. Well if it is true I will volunteer,even if it is a door to door campaign.”

I have a strange feeling that this might well be attributed to me … aravind I think I might have been kidding .. and I think now that I didn’t have to tell u that I was kiddin… 😀 :p

sorry for spamming jammy..

He said its ‘one of the top’ Social Networking sites… so thats true

I have respect for ibibo. It paid me more than a lakh for blogging last year. Yeah… me!

Jammy were you a part of ibibo during the GIBH (Great Indian Blogger Hunt) which paid fellows like me 1.5 crores? If you were, I owe you a treat.

Great blog btw.. love it!


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