Ready to entice

Eyes of a fish,
With deep sea-secrets,
Drowning the innocent.

Cheeks of a rose bud,
Soft and subtle,
Waiting to blush.

Forehead of a pigeon,
a play ground,
for her thoughts.

Lips like a spring tendril,
Curved and fresh,
Ready to entice.

Dark clouds for hair,
waiting to drench a trespasser,
with her body smell.

Hic.. hic…hic

Is the trespasser me?!

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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