Ouchmytoe under the spotlight!

iBiBo.com – I Build, I Bond – is a the new kid on the blogging block. They have gone live with two of their most community orientated products – Blogs & Albums. Worth a visit.

I liked their tag line and took a sneak peak at the blogging interface. It comes with the usual stiffness of any beta version, but the fact is…they have made an attempt. Another thing that goes in their favour is that they seem creative. Happened to visit two of their Gaming sites and guess what – the site urls are http://www.motafish.com/ and http://www.chotafish.com!

Now, why is the sadistic Jammy praising somebody? Not without reason – iBiBo.com showcased his blog on their home!


By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at jv.rajan@gmail.com or message him at +919650080255.

13 replies on “Ouchmytoe under the spotlight!”

I read your life-saving tips from that site. The last sentence was emphatic ‘I also blog at https://www.ouchmytoe.com‘. Means saying something like I also live in house which has walls. How about naming ‘for more life-saving tips visit ouch…’, ‘Before marriage disaster occurs please see ouch….’, etc. It should be made mandatory before visiting shaadi.com, matrimonial.com, they visit ouch… Though RTI (Right to Indulgence errr.. information) Act is in force, still many innocent (male) lives are lost due to lack of after-marriage consequences information. The Govt never cares for it, so those who fight for this NOBLE cause are as important as one running micro finance in Bangladesh.

sunny, the funny fact is that males are more eager to get married though…. Jammy its request not to make ladies a fun factor of yr site… like most of the writers… or do male flourish by writing only on women..

Priya: thanks mate…I wonder if you are actually priya or some guy masquarading as a girl. Dont blame me…five-six years back when I had to create havoc in a chat room this is the name I took 🙂

Nina: Thanks mate…
Did you know that Raj, Raja and Rajan mean the same. Makes me wonder…if “A” is like zero in math. You add it for effect but needn’t necessarily mean anything. Else, why would Raj and Raj(a) mean the same?

You shouldn’t be surprised if I take all of your comments and carry them as a post one day.

Instead of saying ‘for more life-saving tips visit Ouchmytoe’ maybe I should say: “‘for more wife-saving tips visit Ouchmytoe.’

That gives me an idea….maybe I should mail these Shaadi.com and Bharatmatrimonial.com guys and see if they will pay me money for what I write!!

Radhika: Arree nahin yaar….men don’t like to marry in a hurry. Somebody has been giving you wrong info. BTW, are you married?

In fact, I am going to file a petition in the court soon…asking for banning marriage for armymen. Why should they fight both in office and at home when we non-army guys fight only in one place – home?

I thought of naming it wife-saving or some advanced forms but afraid of the recently rising new force i.e. th male-bashing super-women.

I would be happy if we use my messages as post. That is the outcome of this site only. As they say ‘one crap leads to another’.

Priya: Conning on the net is very prevalent. But yes, in your case I agree that you are a real Priya. Not since school have I been addressed as JVR by anybody.

Sunny: The male-bashing super-women is not a recent phenomenon. In India, it all began with Jhansi Ki Rani where she gave Nana Saheb a good thrashing in horse-riding (at least thats what I read in the CBSE Books!).

Laughs at the new phrase coined: ‘one crap leads to another’.

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