
What we call ‘Progress’ is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance. – Havelock Ellis (1859 – 1939)Ouchmytoe will soon be moving to a domain. The first steps have been taken – designing of the website. While most conporates prefer their launches to be surprises…Ouchmytoe thinks otherwise. It lets you be part of the change.

You can download the new home page of Ouchmytoe here – Download Now (356 Kb, Jpeg file) – and let us know what you think. Mails can be sent to jv.rajan [@] gmail [.] com

I am also looking for somebody who can help me html-ize the design.

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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