Current Affairs

Best WannaCry Ransomware jokes from Twitter and Instagram

As of today (15 May, 2017) more than 200,000 systems around the world have been infected by WannaCry ransomware. In case you have been living under a stone the last two day, you must know that this ransomware is the most severe malware attack so far in 2017, and has affected users in more than 150 countries. There is no fix for this yet. Thatโ€™s why I thought we might as well laugh at it. At least, those who have Mac and Linux systems can start laughing and the Windows guys can follow later. For more on this virus, check out WannaCry ransomware’s Wikipedia page.

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Here is a collection of the best humor on WannaCry ransomware. These funny WannaCry ransomware jokes have been picked from both Twitter and Instagram.

Best WannaCry Ransomware jokes from Twitter and Instagram

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