
Ten things I want to do

This is a borrowed idea. Mr Mohan, a colleague and a friend mentioned that I should write about the ten things I want to do before I breathe my last. And here we go –

1) I want to pair-a-jump with my girl, and when there are a few kilometers to go, I want to close my eyes and kiss her. A free-wheelie. She is sitting beside me even as I write this.

2) I want to walk into an old age home, sort out the saddest of the inmate and fulfill one of his wishes. I know it sounds like a Miss Universe contestant talking.

3) I want to walk into a jewel-shop with my mother beside me, and buy her the costliest pendent-diamond combo available. But would that suffice?

4) I want to take my father back to all those army units where he served (from Nathula pass to Station Workshop, Colaba, Mumbai) and show him that time has stood still since he left. You are the dude papa!

5) I want to spend a week in Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Madurai with the Super Seven Group – my school gang involving Rajah, Arun, Meenakshi, Selva, Muthu (2) and Chinta. Do we still know who sent the bomb hoax letter to the Princi?

6) I want to meet the first love of my life (if I can call her that) and see how many kids she is a mother of. Would be a funny sight.

7) I want to meet one Nevil Stephen, a MA English student at the American College, Madurai, in 1997. He is single-handedly responsible for me being a journalist today. Donno to thank you or not.

8) I want to meet the Brigadier who at Staff Selection Board, Infantry Road, Bangalore, after trying a host of tests on me, said, I would not make a good Army officer. Just to tell him what a good officer he let go 😉

9) I want to be the one to accompany my son/daughter on his/her first day at school. I still remember my father doing that for me.

10) I want to take Rekha`s parents on an all-India tour and prove that their daughter landed a good catch. She is still sitting beside me.

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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