A tribute to Navneet Potti

Potti, even before you start reading, remember that a tribute from me does not take you places. Atleast not yet. Firstly, sorry for pronouncing your name for the major part of our association as if it were `Potty.` Realised it myself, and corrected it…after debating for 3-4 months if at all I should correct it.

BTW, was looking for your foot prints on the internet and here is what I found





Pretty smart. Impressive to note that you took to blogging by the middle of 2002.

It was your methodical approach that struck me most. And struck me good. And this led me to a few comparisions. Here you go –

– if you owned a bus service in Chennai, it would have been a KPN.
– if you were an actor you would have been Al Pacino
– if you were a mobile, a Nokia
– if you were into selling bags, you would be a Witco
– if you were a flirt, you would be …actually theres too much competition
– if you were a butt, you would be J Lo’s
– And if you were a sports website, you would be Sify Sports.

Now, that you have a tribute on the Internet, it only makes sense for you to pay back in kind. You know…when Polaris plans to start a sports website…:-))

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at jv.rajan@gmail.com or message him at +919650080255.

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