It is not easy being in showbiz. You got to be a show off, and you got to have something to show off. Like for example long, never-ending legs. Or a figure of 32, 28, 32. I am just close…34, 34, 34.
Isn`t that the ‘size` of every other model that walks the ramp on fashion Television? No, I was not referring to 34, 34, 34.
Yesterday, I had Monday blues. As a result I was left in the house…all alone with nothing to do. Rekha works…in the office.
At 9.30 a.m. I switched on our Television and started surfing. By chance…and only by chance…I landed at Fashion TV. Quite a channel.
As I sat there looking at the models walk the ramp, I was reminded of what my Grand Mother once said. “Why don`t they give these people a chair to sit? They must be tired after all that walking.” she had enquired innocently.
For the not-so-good-with-the-women-folks…all the models look alike. Some in my village even think they are advanced versions of the mechanized dolls kept outside of the shop to say Namaste. Their walk, their standard grin, and the way they turn and leave…only to smile during their second trip on the ramp with their Fashion designer…. is so mechanical.
So aptly named models. Here are some synonyms to the word Model: clone, copy, copycat, dead ringer, ditto, dummy, duplicate and effigy.
Not just the models, but also the Fashion designers are mechanized. They always have standard lines to say. Here is a conversation I heard on TV. The Fashion designer was speaking to a media person –
“You just finished a successful fashion show. What was the key to success?” the media man asked.
“These designs are from my heart. The man that I am…my whole self…I just tried to put them in the form of clothes.”
(Yeah Right. What about stupidity? We never noticed them on the clothes.)
“Ho..nice. So what would you recommend for today`s men?”
“I think today`s man knows what he wants. But still I would suggest a lot of earthy color.”
(Boss…for how long have you been suggesting earthy colors? If you are to be believed earthy Colors have been in vogue since the release of the Hindi movie Mother India).
The Media person is perplexed. Yet asks the next question: “What do you suggest the ladies?”
“I would say…stick to the essence of India. Bring out the bride in you. Let the World know what you are.”
(I know you said the same thing in your previous interview to India Today. And all yoru fellow mates in the industry also sound so similar)
The media person holds back a chuckle and keeps working. Looks like he also hates his job. After all, he has to put up with A%$##les each day.
The media person`s parting question: “Anything for the FTV viewers?”
“Yes…I watch FTV six hours a day, and it is an amazing channel for kids and elders alike.”
(Just make sure you kids and elders don`t watch it together)
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Aloha From Down Unda!
I L O V E Fashion Television!
Kewl blog dude!
K-den, M1/NSWMoke aka mikewonaus aka
Dorfus Chucklenose
According to me “I feel making beautiful clothes is an art and it requires creativity and time, to make somebody look beautiful”.
Roli Singh