Not many in the same family are talented. God has his way of distributing talent, and for proof one just needs to look around one`s own family. But then, there are certain exceptions to the rule. Like my friend Shivkumar Parthasarathy, who works for a competitor BigAdda, while I work for ibibo. One boring afternoon, he spent three hours with his son and discovered that his son was a talented actor. End Result: A good video on Youtube.
The talent was spotted a little too late for his son to participate in ibibo MTV iSuperstar contest but great going anyway.
Check out this video if you don`t believe me:
4 replies on “Father makes a video on son, hopes for movie offers”
Awesome video, loved it!
hehehe.. v funny. nice video.
cool video… funny! Why couldn’t my father think like this ?
Jammy…Is this surrogate advertising for MTV IBIBO Talent hunt.. would have preferred a more on the face advertising…like the earlier plea to forward ur site link to others…sir.. relax maadi.. dont get ur overstressed marketing brain working when u r on ouchmytoe..