Heard about this Chennai guy who recently got caught between a concrete wall and a corporation bus? He lost both his left hand and left leg. According to the latest reports…he is all right!
Monday post coming soon. 🙂
Heard about this Chennai guy who recently got caught between a concrete wall and a corporation bus? He lost both his left hand and left leg. According to the latest reports…he is all right!
Monday post coming soon. 🙂
Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at jv.rajan@gmail.com or message him at +919650080255.
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One reply on “Heard about this Chennai guy?”
Heh. Nice. Sometimes I can’t help but make a move with my frivolous sentiment I have a nice fresh joke for you people) Why do hurricanes travel so fast? If they traveled slowly, we would have to call them slow-i-canes