I remember one of the fairer sexes recently commenting on this blog, that blog posts on ‘sex` are increasing with my age. Let me point her to a category called SEX on Ouchmytoe (man…that sounded like sex on toast!), where the most recent post is ‘Jammy`s Sex life exposed!,` written as early as 18th Feb, 2007 and the one before that was ‘One month overdue!` written on 19th Sept, 2006.
Anyway, this blog post is not about sex…it is about making love. Ask any girl and she will tell you that ‘making love` and ‘having sex` are different. ‘Having sex` is what we men are after…and ‘making love` is what we are forced to call it because that`s what the girl likes to call it.
Here is proof that men are being forcefully initiated into the habit of “making love” and not “having sex” even before they know what sex is. Why else would a Google search for ‘How to have sex` show lesser results (32,100,000 results) than a Google search for ‘How to make love` (54,700,000 results)?
Man has adapted to the needs of the woman. Now, when he ventures out to impress a lady, he suppresses all his urges and does what the lady wants. He makes love. Making love to a lady is a delicate act….and like anything delicate…it is tough on the untrained man. Unlike making a bed, making love isn`t all about bedsheets & pillows & their positions.
The other day I was making love with a lady. We felt as if we were the center of the universe and everything (and everybody) was revolving around us. Thankfully, all doors & windows were closed and no one was looking at us. The moment was intense. I think that`s when I looked into the girl`s eyes…stared deep into them… and asked: “Are you squint eyed?”
She didn`t respond. And after that I couldn`t get close enough to the girl, to check out if she really had squint eyes. That`s the thing about making love. When a man makes love he is forced to use words that angels use. Words that he would never use when not high on the potent drink called testosterone. Here are some examples:
Men who don`t make love but have sex, don`t talk like angels. But they mean what they say.
If you are a man that likes to have sex but are caught up with a lady who wants to make love…be careful about what you say.
Making love or having sex…there are certain things that should never be said.
Ladies & Gentlemen, anything I missed our here?
Other Funny Reads
# Growth Pangs – for a 30+ man
# Male sex organs (U Certificate)
# How Indian wives take their husbands for a ride
# Encounters of the third kind
# Sending off a girl to Mumbai
17 replies on “Making Love vs Having Sex”
liked the article. I have never thought of it as having sex but always as making love.
BTW, nice theme
i will marry soon.. explore these two options and figure out if there is a third trm too
Jammy one again you have bowled me over by your foreplay oopss word play :). Never thought of the two word are any different. Surely thats a great research topic and u i will suggest you to write a book on the same.
I love ur new look! Minimal & everything. I know it ain’t the place to post such a comment, but, i am overcome with joy & gay-dom or something. Anywho, as a person with limited knowledge in the subject matter pursued, I would like to state that it still is the goddamn same to me. In fact, work ur partner up and then … eheheheh… surprise!!!!
I read back on my previous post and i thought it did not convey my message in entirety. Hence, embarking on the second post. the last couple of sentences in my previous post, blame it on my excitement in posting a comment, came out all jumbled.
What i meant to say is, making love and having sex is the same to me. As in, i do not see a difference. I don’t mind the mental pictures associated with both the expressions. You see, what either of the partners-in-crime at the end of the activity is the same. The end is what matters, the means are mere technicality, Mr, Watson. Now restrict this theory to just 10 minutes of the act (if u can last that long)
Dear Jammy,
I know the last comment i left has pricked your soul
Let me be more precise; you have really started writing crap; These type of articles we read in n number of other blogs also; but your blogs i used to feel unique, simple and beautiful – write ups on your wife, sweet daughter, kerala, analysis of different behaviour of family members; sex /love etc is natural bad but now its chewed up so much by writers that it seems like a chewing gum with no taste; sex has lost its charm………
please omit the word “bad” that i have written after “natural” – typo error
Not bad..
well i think rekha should also put a comment here .. raj 🙂
I am sorry – why, again, do you have this big fancy page and call yourself funny? Honestly, the only thing that is sadder than your sense of humor is the size of the font!
Funny Read….:)
I thot it was a lil sexiest…I dont call it “Making Love”….for tat matter I didnt really care ever….”Making Love”…”Having Sex”….its one and the same…juss technicalities….Taa-me-toes….Ta-Ma-Toes….:)
I landed up at ur post accidently….looks fun… 🙂
…and then there are others…
* Can you pass me my blackberry please?
* Did you lock the back door?
* Jesus…you crushed my cigarettes
* Honey, do you want to accompany me for the blood test?
* Do you accept amex?
* You know you’re good enough to do this for a living?
Really nice post. liked it. Landed here accidentally, but will visit again for sure…
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