
Jammy’s Talk Show

Been reading a lot about podcasting and thought it was just the right time for me to experiment. Spent a good part of Sunday trying to record a funny audio clip for you …but thanks to a defunct microphone in the headset Rekha gifted me, no recording happened. Have currently uploaded a Tom Green funny audio, in which he pretends to be an Indian and calls up a Punjabi family and complains that one of the daughters kicked his dog.

Click on this image in THIS PAGE to listen to the audio (MP3 format that lasts for 3 mins & 33 seconds).

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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