Somebody at has been copying my content and uploading it as-is on their site (as if it were their own). While it feels good that somebody wants YOUR article on THEIR blog….I still don`t appreciate it.
This post is actually a request to the blog owners of to STOP taking content from because it is my own. If they don`t remove the content that already exists on their blog…I might be forced to approach the class monitor called Mr Google, who happens to own Blogspot.
Cheers…from a guy who hates to be on the wrong side.
6 replies on “ is stealing my content”
This is utter shit. seems this guy wishes to go for some more page hits than he is worth. Hope he stops plagiarism stops soons
Ask them to remove your content man. They have a freak site running there. And all stale jokes from Before Christ.
AW.. Thats bad; or are you copying from them jammi 😉
Hey this is jokesrfunny owner…i l remove the contents as soon as possible..sorry for the inconvenience…
Well i removed all of ’em to the best of my knowledge..if still there are any contents then let me know at mah email…
Dar Geya