The art of rowing

Congratulations guys! For those who do not know, the Sify rowing team has come up trumps at the recently concluded annual Corporates Rowing Championship, conducted under the aegis of Madras Boat Club.

They won a couple of firsts, seconds and third places.

When I heard the news, from where I stood (figuratively of course), I could only see the fun filled party that usually follows the championship. I am told it is great fun, and I am sure it is. Pity, I have never been party to it.

It was in 2001, when Kirubha Shankar and Wasim asked me if I wanted to join rowing. In fact they pestered me, for then it was a niche sport. But how could I go to the Madras Boating Club with a worn out Woodlands? I told them, I won`t be able to come coz I did not have a good pair of sneakers. By the time I bought one, the rowing season was over.

In 2002, they didnot call me. I went. I practiced for a while, and I thought I was good too. Dare I blame it one fate, but I didnot get a good partner. Some of the people I rowed with were R Muthukumar, Roshan and Praveen Charlie, who ditched me at regular intervals for more glamourous personalities. Soon, my interest waned, and I dropped out.

In short, I decide to put my leg up and relax. Since then, I have seen these guys wake up at 5.30, reach the Boat Club at 6.30 and row till 8.30 and then make it to office by 9.30 max. I can tell you it is tough.

But then, haven’t we heard the saying – When the rowing gets tough, the tough get rowing 😉

Anyways, coming to the party, I guess next time around the season ending bash should be conducted on a custom built stage in the middle of the lake. Just think about it….there are so many benefits –

1) You don`t need dustbins around, you can just throw anything and everything into the lake.

2) There will be no `groping` in the dark business as all escape routes will be sealed.

3) Bouncers would not be required, for all you need to do is push the culprit into the water.

And here is the killer punch,

4) Theres no need to prepare punch, just dip your glass into the lake and get intoxicated!

By Jamshed V Rajan

Jammy, as Jamshed V Rajan is affectionately called, is a wannabe stand up comedian. He has a funny take on most things but documents only some of them. If you are interested in chatting up with him, do drop him an email at or message him at +919650080255.

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