Bijoy Bharathan of ‘The Asian Age’ has written a feature on online Status Messages and what they are all about. Some time back he had called me to get my take on Status Messages which we use without a second thought. Here is the portion where my name figures:
Jamshed V. Rajan, the product head of, an Indian social networking site says, “Customising one`s status message has many implications, including those of dropping hints of things to come. A colleague of mine who had a predicament about quitting his job displayed his status message as ‘to stay or not to stay` on his G-Talk for some time. Only after he left his job, did I figure out what he meant by it.”
Bijoy Bharathan goes on to write: Jamshed, who believes that the anonymity of the Internet is one of its key driving forces, explains the trend, “In most cases in real life, you can gauge people just by talking to them. It is not so on the Net. People take up altogether different identities online and it`s almost like an individual wearing a fake mustache or a wig in real life.”
To read the full story, Click Here – Status messages convey feelings, reflect moods, hidden thoughts
Coincidentally, a bit of Ego Googling a few days back had led me to an article that appeared in The Hindu (in 2006) where my Google earnings were also mentioned. Here, take a sneak-peak.