Currently there are two (or too?) many twins in our family. One of our relatives – Sandhya from Rekha`s side -gave birth to boy twins a few days back. Wonder how she is going to manage.
And today morning, I got a funny message from my younger sister –
A sardar had twins, he named them Tara and Sitara. After a few years he again had twins and he called them Peter and Repeater. When after two more years his wife gave birth to another set of twins…a little upset Sardar tried to send a message across by naming them Max & Climax. Unfortunately, one more year and he fathered another set of twins. Not to be beaten this time…he named them Tired & Retired!
I know….the What-if article…”what if all men in the World were gay and all women in the world were lesbians” is still pending. Watch out!