An old friend called Manoj snapped this picture a week back. He is a good professional photographer and and is available at 09444916905 for similar shoot outs. To understand him and his photos better, visit
No, I didn’t get any money for this advertisement. Instead, he shot my mother-in-law for me.
13 replies on “What am I telling Rekha?”
Why cant Kingfisher feature me for their swimsuit calendar? I have a red T-shirt, I drink beer and I even flew with them!!
hey poor mom in law yourz . and yenga pa treatu, ( for the yahoo job) ?
“I agree with you rekha” – from the smile on rekha’s face :), we can grin so wide only when we hear that
hey rajan, I’m glad to see that you get to open ur mouth in front of ur wife 😉
by the way, how is ur car?
nice one (i mean what was done to mil)
“I never knew that I will have paparazzi following me just for travelling once by Kingfisher”
Instead, he shot my mother-in-law for me.
Shot in the sense of photography or….. ?????
“I will do the dishes” 😛
“I don’t understand why she is suing me, your honour, but i assure i was not trying to hit on the airhostess!!” 😀
Hey, Jammy…I’m unable to read my blog or Rekha’s blog…Is something wrong with rediffblogs???:((
Rishi: I would never want to be on the Kingfisher calendar! Why would I want to be decorating the wall of a barber shop?
hey been reading yr blog n had a good laugh at yr diff post….welll keep rocking.
love badzzy