Here are a few interesting answers given by students, during exams. I came across these while preparing for my exam – the Humour Orientation Test Designed for Useless and Deliquescent Entities. Interestingly the abbreviated form for this exam`s name is ‘Hot Dude`.
The temptation to pretend that I imagined and came up with these funny lines was quite high …but then realized I would lose my ugly face among the Blogger community if I was caught with my pants down.
Here goes the truth –
Name the four seasons.
Answer: Salt, Pepper, Mustard, vinegar
Use the word ‘information` in a sentence.
Answer: Geese sometimes fly information.
What is a seizure?
Answer: He was a Roman emperor.
Where was the Magna Carta signed?
Answer: At the bottom
Who invented fractions?
Answer: Henry 1/8th
Who succeeded the first President of USA?
Answer: The second one
Who invented King Arthur`s Round Table?
Answer: Sir Circumference
What is terminal illness?
Answer: When you are sick at the airport.